Friday, June 10, 2011

Stress Level of Educators

No matter what your connection is with a school, as changes continue to take place, stress levels continue to rise in an already stressful career field.  Change is something I actually enjoy in life; however, many teachers went into the teaching profession for opposite reasons- they wanted to work at one school for thirty years, raise their children in that community, and then retire.  In my short teaching career I have taught in four different schools in four different counties, with my longest tenure only two years.  I have even taught in New Zealand as well as the United States.  Please don't hear me wrong, I haven't looked for change, but with a husband that was active in the Army, it is something that was and still is inevitable in my life. 

Sometimes I wonder if policymakers understand how stressful it is to teachers when every five years they are creating overhauling changes.  Wouldn't admendments or gradual changes be better for both the educators, students they teach, parents who are trying to advocate for their children, and the families of educators? 

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