Thursday, February 16, 2012


Sometimes as I look at across my class, I find myself yearning to relive my first few years in the classroom. Today I was wondering why that happens.  Is it because I feel bad for the students I taught all those years ago because they were stuck with such an inexperienced teacher? Or maybe it is because I miss the camaraderie of the teachers I taught with at LaVergne?  Or better yet, I wonder if I miss all of the late nights spent at school because I was busy being a soccer coach then too?  Either way, lately I have missed my first few years in the classroom immensely.

As teachers prepare to retire at my current school in the next few years, I wonder if I will continue teaching for the next twenty years.  Don't get me wrong, I love teaching.  It just seems like there is so much negativity at times; how can one live their life surrounded by it. I hope those that are retiring realize that not only their students will remember them, but the other teachers they have encouraged and tutored will miss and remember them as well.

To all the educators that have gone before me- thank you!  Thank you for inspiring me to become a teacher. Thank you for pushing me through my education, even when I didn't want to go after loosing my mom. Thank you for the experience you have passed along to me through our many brief hallway conversations. And thank you for deciding to become a teacher. The world of education would not be the same without the imprint you have left on the thousands of students, the parents you have encountered and the other teacher, just like me, that you have touched.

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