Sunday, May 13, 2012

Fellow Teachers

Sometimes it is so hard to enter the front doors of a school building because of all of the changes taking place in education and more specifically in Tennessee right now. However, one thing positive change that has occurred in our school building in the past year is that the teachers have started supporting one another.

In most literature you read about teaching, it talks about how teaching can be a very isolated profession. I wish I could say that it wasn't, but at times it is. However, it doesn't have to be.

Teachers need to support one another, challenge one another, and inspire one another. Fellow teachers are the only ones who understand how difficult it is to stand in front of a class of thirty while your mind is dealing with human emotions and concerns. Fellow teachers are the only ones who understand how taxing teaching can be on your joints and vocals. Fellow teachers are the only ones who understand all the demands that are being placed on all educators. Fellow teachers are the only ones who understand how much you will sleep during the first week of summer because of all of the hard work you have put in over the past ten months.

So next time you find yourself frustrated when you enter the building of your school because you are being asked to return a phone call to a distraught parent, comfort a child who is dealing with more than most adults can comprehend or your administrator is adding one more thing to your plate, turn to your fellow teachers who will understand every ounce of what you are dealing with...and hang in there! Things will get better.

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